A Week of Autumn Celebrations in Hong Kong!

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!! In past years, the mid-autumn festival was held to give thanks for a bountiful harvest and to reunite with long-lost family members. The latter of course retains relevance today, the former a bit less so. One of Hong Kong’s most important cultural […]

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The Brilliance of Brooklyn

For years and years, Manhattanites vehemently refused to go to Brooklyn. All sorts of excuses came to mind – it was ‘too far away’ and had little to offer. Venturing there would be a waste of time and energy. And much of the world didn’t […]


The Wonderland of Singapore

Ahh, Singapore… Singapore is a relatively small country (and city, and state) – occasionally referred to as ‘the little red dot’, floating at just over 700 square kilometers and populated with ~5.4 million people. Pervasive photos of especially its brightly illuminated night skyline and luxury shopping […]


Searching for the Soul of Singapore

When people used to mention Singapore to me, a very specific vision would pop up in my head. The mini-Dubai of Asia – a very clean (and gum-free!), fabricated island playground, sprouting with glitzy skyscrapers, hotels, and shopping malls – and that’s pretty much it. […]